Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Today my mom has to say goodbye to her missionary son all over again. 

They will drop him off at his new apartment this morning, and head home. 

Troy with President and Sister Howes

Troy and MTC Companion: Elder Dickson

Lunch Time

My parents took Troy and the 3 new elders (one companion and the 2 others are in the apartment with him)  to lunch on Monday. 

What Troy does every Monday

Parents, Elder Tye and Rusty and Tiffanee Thomlison


The temperature in the garage at Aunt Ann's house

Elder Tye and Marilyn Timmons

Troy's baptism on Saturday my parents got to go to.

Elder Tye's House view

All of Elder Tye's Ties

Troy Apartment for the last 6 months

 Troy and Elder Milne

The other missionaries in his apartment

Troy doing this thing...

Friday August 26th, Went to temple to do sealings.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


They just left the doctor's office and there wasn't any big cure. 

Troy has been on 2 different medicines over the last several years.  The doctor didn't really like that and all they are going to do right now is try and take him off the one.  For the next 3 months they have up ed his depikote and if he doesn't have any seizures then they will start taking him off the other medicine (I don't know what that one is called) But they believe that they can get him seizure free, which would be a miracle.


Dad gets to be Troy's companion, I guess that means he gets to study with him as well :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

They are in AZ

I just talked to my dad.  They are in AZ, they are safe and they are about to go get Troy. 

They are off...

My parents left for AZ this morning at 5AM.

They are VERY anxious to get down there.  Troy is being released to my parents, so he is just sitting at the mission home waiting for them to pick him up. 

They meet with the specialist tomorrow at 2:30PM.  My mom said they have LOTS of paperwork to fill out before that time.

My parents are very blessed to have a aunt that has a condo down in Phoenix, that they are getting to stay in.  Aunt Ann had a stroke a while back and had to come back to SLC to be taken care of by her children.  So her place is sitting empty and she is so kindly is letting them use it. 

Once again on behalf of Troy we would like to Thank EVERYONE that has keep him in your prayers and has fasted for him.  We believe we will see miracles :)